Parenthesis 33


Chairman’s Letter | Jason Dewinetz
Obituary: Jill Mason | Tom Taylor


An Interview with Mark Cochram | Abby Schoolman
Lost in Moisty Cloisters | Alastair Johnston
The Minotaur and the River: Peter Koch and The Montana Quartet | Aaron Parrett
Everything’s a Byproduct: The Work and the Work of Printmaker and Sculptor Patterson Clark | Jandos Rothstein
You say tomato, I say . . . The curious story of the title of Walter Hamady’s book on hand papermaking | Jerry Kelly
Thesis: Student Work from the University of Oregon


Diderot Project | review by Martin Antonetti
Song of Solomon | review by James Freemantle
Invisible Fly | review by David Esslemont
Right to Know and Make the Economy Scream | review by Ian Kahn
The Young Manhood of Dave Chamlee | review by Elizabeth Curren
Only Love: Haiku by Albion | review by Russell Maret
Flosculi Sententiarum | review by Robert McCamant
The Book as a Work of Art in Our Time | review by Paul F. Gehl
One Hundred Great Books on Typography | review by Crispin Elsted
Nineteenth-Century Dust-Jackets | review by Richard Minsky
The Dictionary of the Book | review by Donald Krummel

Back Matter

Books Briefly Noted | Paul W. Nash