Parenthesis 38


Chairman’s letter | Martyn Ould

Notes and news

Japanese private presses | Taroh Kogure
Letterpress in Japan | Andrew Schuller
Gentlemen and players | David Jury
28 Private Presses | Julia Horsfall
Bird & Bull Press | Sidney Berger
Porcelain and bibliography | Colin Martin
Edwin Smith papers | Sebastian Carter
A daunting task | Jason Dewinetz
The Codex Effect | William S. Peterson
Peter Koch: Printer | David Jury
Katie Paterson | Colin Martin
Obituary: Roderick Cave | David Chambers


Venice Reflections | reviewed by Martyn Ould
Hermann Zapf | reviewed by Simon Loxley
Alan Powers | reviewed by Martin Salisbury
Vance Gerry & the Weather Bird Press | reviewed by Colin Martin

Books Briefly Noted | Paul W. Nash

A book at bedtime | Swithin Crumb

Unsigned contributions are by the editor.