The Heavy Duty Press

The Heavy Duty Press. Michael Koppa. E10650 Old HWY 56, Liberty, WI 54664, USA. Tel: +16086065854. Website:

8t Bags About the Natural World. 2022. 24 pages. 110 x 65 mm. Century Expanded on Kitakata, with two linoleum engravings and metal type sorts by Michael Koppa. Printed on a Vandercook SP 15. 88 copies in pamphlet stitch, tucked into Hahnemuhle Bugra cover and slipped into muslin tea bag, price: $120. From the copyright page: Eight quotations from eight tea bags amidst eighty bags set in eighty fonts, annotated for reference in the forthcoming title, “Just My Type: Specimens from The Type Store at Der Klubhaus.”