Shanty Bay Press

Shanty Bay Press. Walter Bachinski, 152 Drury Mill Road, Oro-Medonte, ON, Canada. Tel: +1 705 721 2491. Website:

Walter Bachinski, Janis Butler. My Landscape. Shanty Bay Press. 2022. 64 pp. 279 X 279 mm. 16 pt Bembo on BFK Rives 175 gsm for text, seven pochoirs and seven colour reduction linocuts, and Heavy Kurotoni 5 for five woodcuts. Printed on a Vandercook Universal 1. 30 copies: 25 quarter bound in cloth, housed in a slip case, price $3000 (USD); 5 NFS. The text consists of nature poems by 14 renowned Canadian Poets. The illustrations, all by Walter Bachinski, are based on sketches and paintings done over decades of an area of northern Ontario from the Killarney Wilderness Park west to the Algoma Highlands.