Peter Lawrence

Peter Lawrence. Peter Lawrence, 48 Lonsdale Road, 
Oxford OX2 7EP, UK. Tel:+44(0)7709 096 141. Website:

Peter Lawrence and Paul Dunmall. 20 Duets: Collaboration & Improvisation. 2022. 116 pp. 234 x 184mm. Lucida Bright on 170gsm Zerkall and 160gsm Naturalis Vanilla, 40 wood engravings by Lawrence and Dunmall. Printed on Albion and Cylinder. 40 copies: quarter cloth bound, price £175; 8 Special A copies: quarter cloth bound, plus portfolio with 2 further engravings, 8pp booklet and CD, all in a slipcase, price £375; as above, plus set of 20 engravings, all in a solander box, price £1375. A collection of wood engravings resulting from a unique collaboration between two engravers created in the spirit of free jazz – improvising on the same block showing both the “handover” and final images.