Peter and Donna Thomas

Peter and Donna Thomas. Peter Thomas. 260 15th Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95062, USA. Tel: +18314751455.  Website:

Peter and Donna Thomas. Paper Samples/Our lives with paper: an autobiography told through handmade paper samples. 2022. 105 pages and 46 cotton rag folders in a single wooden file box. Book: 11 x 8.5 in. Box: 10 x 14 x 5.375 in. Folders: 8.5 x 11 in. Neuland and Goudy Modern P22 for book via Kindle Direct Publishing, 60pt Neuland for folder numerals printed on a Vandercook Universal One. 6 copies, price: $2800.  This is a collection of examples of handmade paper made by Peter and Donna Thomas between 1975 and 2018. The samples are organized chronologically and described in the full-color perfect-bound digitally-printed book. Both are housed in a custom wooden file box made from Baltic birch. Further details can be found on our website at