Leslie Gerry Editions

Leslie Gerry Editions. Leslie Gerry, The Eight Gabled House, Dowdeswell, Gloucestershire GL54 4LX, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0)1242 820653. Website: lesliegerryeditions.com

Edith Wharton. Marrakesh. 2020. 96 pp. 480 × 320 mm. Bembo with 30 colour paintings by Leslie Gerry. Printed on an Epson digital printer. 90 copies: 80 on Bockingford and Zerkall mould-made papers, in quarter leather with printed cloth-covered boards, in a slip case, price £1450; ten on Moulin du Gue and Zerkall papers, in full inlaid leather, with a set of progressive prints and a miniature volume, together in a solander box, price £4720. A collection of paintings made on a visit to Marrakesh in 2019, accompanied by an extract from Wharton’s In Morocco (1920).