interrobang letterpress

interrobang letterpress. Michael Babcock, 18 Kenton Road Jamaica Plain, MA, USA. Tel: +1 617 522 4236 Website:

Michael Tarbox. Night Train to Chelsea. interrobang letterpress. 2021. 20 pp. 5 x 8.5 mm. Optima Nova Pro/ Stempel Optima on 80# Cougar Natural interior and 100gsm Hahnemühle Ingres jacket. Printed on a Vandercook SP15. 100 copies. Pamphlet stitched and wrapped in the Hahnemühle, price $30. I admit that due to both the printer/designer (me), and the author/musician (Tarbox) being of limited means and minimal budget, the interior is printed digital offset, and only the jacket is printed by letterpress from type. That written, the Optima Nova Pro has an extended character set that the metal never had.