Incline Press

Incline Press. Graham Moss, 36 Bow Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL1 1SJ, UK. Tel: +441616271966, Website:

Peter S Smith. Near Thursbitch. 2023. 8 pages plus trifold single-sheet foldout. 180 x 130 mm. Fairbank and Baker on Zerkall 170 gsm, 1 wood engraving (black ink) by Smith. Printed on Autovic. 175 copies, trifold handsewn, handmade cover paper from Papeterie St. Armand, Montreal. Price: £36.

Peter S Smith RE, wood engraver, was drawn by the story of a curious memorial stone, and that stone is the subject of this booklet. Smith tells its story and shows his boxwood engraving of the stone, an oblique tale and an oblique engraving. It is shown as the centre of the trifold, the text from the two faces of the stone holding his engraving in their grip.

The story is set in Fairbank, issued in 1929; the cut lettering is represented by Russell Maret’s Baker type, issued in 2016.