Incline Press

Incline Press. Graham Moss, 36 Bow Street, Oldham, Lancashire OL1 1SJ, England. Tel: +44 (0)1616 271966.

Fredric Brewer. The Printer’s Fist. 2019. 6 pp. 115 × 90 mm. Poliphilus on W. S. Head hand-made with cast fists and a woodcut by Matt Mckellier. Printed on an AutoVic treadle press. 120 copies sewn into St Armand card covers, price £10. Printed to accompany the exhibition ‘A show of hands’ at Corsham Court during September and October 2019.


Keith Pettit. Stillness. Introduction by Graham Moss. 2019. 6 pp. 172 × 110 mm. Fairbanks on Velke Losiny hand-made with a wood-engraving of the Long Man of Wilmington by Pettit. Printed on an AutoVic treadle press. 60 copies sewn into Two Rivers paper covers, price £25.


Robert Burns. Two Songs. Introduction by Graham Moss and Kathy Whalen. 12 pp. 170 × 115 mm. Bembo on hand-made paper with three Victorian stock-blocks and an ampersand by Mark McKellier. Printed on an AutoVic treadle press. 110 copies: 65 sewn into printed pink Khadi wrappers; 45 sewn into printed pale blue ingres wrappers, price £25. Printed to celebrate Burns’ Night. The paper was made for the Stanbrook Abbey Press. Most copies were sent as a parting gift from Kathy Whalen to those who had sent her their good wishes during her final illness.