Emily Martin Artists Books & Prints

Emily Martin Artists Books & Prints. Emily Martin. 251 Manchester Lane, Iowa City, IA 52245, USA. Tel: +13194305775. Website: https://emilymartin.com/

Emily Martin, William Shakespeare. Madness: Reading Hamlet in the Time of Covid-19 and Other Plagues. 2022. 18 pages. 11 x 8 x 1 in. Baskerville and handwriting on Arches Text Wove, with paper collaged and printed puppet inclusions, hand-drawn Covid-19 cells, blood droplets, and bullet holes by Emily Martin. The puppets are costumed in papers made by Andrea Peterson. Printed on a Vandercook SP-15. 40 copies: 25 copies with the puppet inclusions in accordion binding with non-adhesive slip-on covers of Mary Hark case paper, title label on the front cover, and enclosed in a cloth-covered clamshell box, price:$1,500; 15 copies on Mohawk superfine with printed puppets in accordion binding with non-adhesive slip-on covers of Tiziano paper, title label on the front cover, and enclosed in an archival corrugated card clamshell box, price: $300. Madness was created during the pandemic. Its appearance and content are very much shaped by my time in isolation. Initially, I copied out the play Hamlet by hand starting in March 2020 because I was too anxious to sit and read. I struggled to make sense of the project in a world gone crazy. The text is a crazy quilt arrangement of lines from Hamlet and my writing on repeating themes of fear, disease, Black Lives Matter, Asian hate crimes, the insurrection, so much death and isolation, and more.