Angel Bomb

Angel Bomb. Todd Thyberg. 1500 Jackson St. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413, USA. Tel: +16127701153. Website:

John W. Campbell. Who Goes There? Angel Bomb. 2022. 60 pages. 277 x 212 mm. Ehrhardt Monotype on Classic Crest Bare White 100# Eggshell, with 19 digitally created pencil illustrations in 1-4 colors by Todd Thyberg. Printed on a Heidelberg Cylinder & Vandercook 219. 250 copies: 200 copies in quarter contrasting Wicker color cloth, blind emboss on cover of Japanese Blue Twine book cloth, bound at Midwest Editions in Minneapolis, MN, price: $150 (out of print); 50 copies in quarter bound in leather with blind emboss on cover, same book cloth as above, bound at Campbell-Logan Bindery in Blaine, MN, price: $700 (out of print). The deluxe edition comes with a triptych portfolio case for the book, bound in identical cloth and containing a hand-altered map of Antarctica on the inside as well as a folder of 5 letterpress prints of illustrations from the book. The portfolio closes with twine and contains a hand-sculpted and painted resin medallion on the front cover.