Springtide Press

Springtide Press. Jessica Spring. 818 N. Yakima, Tacoma, WA 98403, USA. Tel: +12536278629. Website: https://springtidepress.com.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (poem) and Alyce DeMarais (bisphenol contamination data). Tensile: A sublime love story. 2022. 10 pages. 203 x 152 mm, expands to 1524 mm. Garamont Italic (cast by Gregory Walters) on Rite-in-the-Rain, Plike, with10 illustrations by Jessica Spring, printed directly from single-use plastics including bread-bag ties, milk bottle caps, drinking straws and contact lens containers. Printed on a Vandercook Universal 1. 35 copies in leporello structure with pop-up text panels and plastic covers in a plastic box, bound by Gabby Cooksey, price: $650. Tensile weaves together Shelley’s “Love’s Philosophy”, a 19th century poem of seduction, with current research on bisphenol contamination in our environment and bodies. Used to manufacture plastics and resins for food and drink packaging, bisphenol impacts the endocrine system, impairing development and reproductive health. Illustrations are created from a variety of single-use plastics to create sublime landscapes and explore the irony of our love affair with this monster of our own creation.