Taller Martín Pescador

Taller Martín Pescador. Juan Nicanor Pascoe. AP 79 Tacámbaro, Michoacán 61650, MX. Tel: +524591140668. Website: https://bradley937.wixsite.com/piedra

Dante Alighieri, translated into Spanish by Francisco Segovia. La Piedra Amada / La Pietra Amata. Taller Martín Pescador. 2021. 48 pages. 260 x 160 mm. Poliphilus, Blado on Papeles de Ponte mouldmade paper from Mexico, with one title page portrait of Dante by Barry Moser. Printed on Ostrander Seymour handpress. 150 copies: 135 copies in quarter cloth and marbled paper sides, bound in Mexico City by Hardmade Taller, price: $150 (out of print); 15 copies with a special colophon page signed by Segovia and Moser in quarter leather with Twinrocker paper sides, in a black Japanese cloth slipcase, bound by Jace Graf at Cloverleaf Studio in Austin, Texas, price: $450. Special copies distributed in the USA by Letterpress.com. Full description and contact information at https://bradley937.wixsite.com/piedra