Plain Wrapper Press Redux

Plain Wrapper Press Redux. Mark Fischer. 7887 N New Braunfels Avenue, San Antonio, TX 78209, USA. Tel: +1 267 250 6000. Website:

John D. Wagner. The Kallima Butterfly. 2022. 7 pp. 292 x 203 mm. 16pt Centaur on Velké Losiny Prague with photogravure by John D. Wagner. Printed on 219 Vandercook. 80 copies, single signature handsewn into boards covered with Cinnamon Canapetta cloth; on the cover, Archive Bugra label with pressmark printed in black; book enclosed in a duplex Archive/Evergreen Bugra folder with four flaps; on the folder spine, Archive Bugra label with author and title printed in black; price $180. Book design and calligraphy by Jerry Kelly. The type was handset. Printing by Sandy Tilcock at the lone goose press. Binder: Jace Graf (Cloverleaf Studio, Inc.). Publisher Emeritus Gabriel Rummonds oversaw the project.