St James Park Press

St James Park Press. James Freemantle, 19 Vandon Court, 64 Petty France, Westminster, London SW1H 9HE, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0)7792418373. Website:

James Freemantle. King Arthur: Excalibur. 2020. 25 pp. 254 × 165 mm. Dante with four wood-engravings by Jane Randfield. Printed on an Albion Press. 100 copies: 65 on Zerkall papers, in paper-covered boards, paper dust-jacket, price £225; 35 on Maureen Richardson/Paper Foundation hand-made papers, in paper-covered boards, with a portolio of proof impressions of the wood-engravings on Kozo Japanese paper, together in a solander box, price £385.