Midnight Paper Sales

Midnight Paper Sales. Gaylord Schanilec, W11469 Schanilec Lane, Stockholm, Wisconsin 54769, U.S.A. Tel: +1 952 529 6950. www.midnightpapersales.com

Gaylord Schanilec. Bokeh: a Little Book of Flowers. 2020. 65 pp. 210 × 130 mm. Poliphilus on Velké Losiny hand-made and Zerkall mould-made with eight multicolour wood-engravings. Printed on a Vandercook Universal 3 proof press. 119 copies: 80 in full cloth, spine- and cover-labels, in a cloth-covered slip-case, price $780; 26 in quarter vellum with Pamela Smith marbled paper-covered boards, with a separately-bound proof of one of the wood-engravings, together in a solander box, price $2500. Copies were bound by Craig Jensen, Keri Schroeder and Marc Hammonds at Booklab 2.