Old School Press

Old School Press. Martyn and Angela Ould, Cliff Edge, Beer Hill, Seaton EX12 2QD, England. Tel: +44 (0)1297 24689. www.theoldschoolpress.com

Martyn Ould. Printing at the University Press, Oxford, 1660–1780. Volume II. 2018. 168 pp. 275 × 216 mm. Van Dijck on Mohawk Superfine with numerous facsimiles and photographs. Printed digitally. 250 copies: 200 in full brown cloth, with a printed paper dust-jacket, price £125; 50 in quarter leather with Jemma Lewis marbled paper-covered boards, with a portfolio of additional letterpress specimens, in a slip-case, price £350. The first volume was published in 2015. This second volume covers the subject of type at OUP in the period 1660–1780. The third volume was published in 2019 (see below).

Martyn Ould. Printing at the University Press, Oxford, 1660–1780. Volume III. 2019. 208 pp. 275 × 216 mm. Van Dijck on Mohawk Superfine with numerous facsimiles and photographs. Printed digitally. 250 copies: 200 in full brown cloth, with a printed paper dust-jacket, price £105; 50 in quarter leather with Jemma Lewis marbled paper-covered boards, with an additional letterpress volume, Learning about Printing (32 pages), in a slip-case, price £300. This third volume covers the subject of publishing and printing processes at OUP in the period 1660–1780.Learning about Printing concerns Bishop Fell and his attempts to run the Press on a commercial basis in competition with the London stationers, based on manuscripts by Fell and others surviving in the Bodleian.