Fine Press Book Fair
The Americas Chapter of the Fine Press Book Association is pleased to announce that the eleventh annual Manhattan Fine Press Book Fair will be held on Saturday, April 5, 2025.
Church of St. Vincent Ferrer, 869 Lexington Ave at 66th Street
Saturday April 5, 2025
7:00 am (dealer access)
9:00 am – 5:00 pm (open to the public)
The Fine Press Book Association is happy to announce the 11th annual event in collaboration with the Manhattan Rare Book Fair. As usual, the one-day fair will coincide with the NY Antiquarian Book Fair at the Park Avenue Armory, with us being right next door. Since its inception in 2014 the Manhattan Fine Press Book Fair has become a popular event, drawing collectors and enthusiasts from around the world. Each year exhibitors display their wares, representing a broad swath of experience—from famous presses to student practitioners just starting out. We will continue to offer the FPBA Collector’s Prize as well this year. The fair contact is Dina Pollack.
2024 Exhibitors
Caliban Press / Touchdown Press, Mark McMurray, Dunedin, FL
CB Sherlock, Minneapolis, MN, cbsherlock.org
Conversation Tree Press, Anthony Geer, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, https://conversationtreepress.com/
Deep Wood Press, Chad Pastotnik, Mancelona, MI, https://www.deepwoodpress.com
Dobbin Books, NY, Robbin Ami Silverberg, Brooklyn, NY, www.robbinamisilverberg.com
Harsimus Press, Barbara Henry, Pottstown, PA, www.harsimuspress.com
Intima Press Editions, Mindy Belloff, New York, NY, IntimaPress.com
Khelcom New York, Peter Bogardus, New York, NY
Lead Graffiti, Ray Nichols, Newark, DE, leadgraffiti.com
Luminice Press, Thomas Parker Williams, Philadelphia, PA, www.thomasparkerwilliams.com
María Verónica San Martín, Brooklyn, NY, www.mveronicasanmartin.com
Marianne R. Petit Books, Marianne Petit, New York, NY, https://mariannerpetit.com/
Maureen Cummins, Woodstock, NY, Katharine M. Cummins, Bearsville, NY, www.maureencummins.com
Midnight Paper Sales, Gaylord Schanilec, Stockholm, WI, midnightpapersales.com
Nancy Loeber, Brooklyn, NY, nancyloeber.com
Nawakum Press, David Pascoe, Santa Rosa, CA, nawakumpress.com
Plain Wrapper Press Redux, Mark Fischer, Philadelphia, PA, www.plainwrapperpress.com
Purgatory Pie Press :: New York City, Esther K Smith, New York, NY, purgatorypiepress.com
Richard Wagener – Mixolydian Editions, Richard Wagener, Petaluma, CA, richardwagener.com
Richard Zauft Editions, Richard Zauft, Sudbury, MA, www.richardzaufteditions.com
Sarah Plimpton Artist Books, Sarah Plimpton, Sleepy Hollow, NY, sarahplimpton.com
Small Circus Rare Books, Patrick Wainwright, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Sol Rébora, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina, www.estudiorebora.com
Springtide Press, Jessica Spring, Tacoma, WA, springtidepress.com
The Bird Press/Thorsten Dennerline, Thorsten Dennerline, Bennington, VT, thebirdpress.com
The CODEX Foundation, Berkeley, CA, www.codexfoundation.org
The Prototype Press, Mark Sarigianis, Indian Head, MD, www.theprototypepress.com
TideLine Press, Leonard Seastone, East Jewett, NY, leonardseastone.com
Titan & Weald, Isak Applin, Jackson Heights, NY, titanandweald.com
Two Hands Press, Kitty Maryatt, Playa Vista, CA, http://laprosepochoir.blogspot.com
Two Ponds Press, Kenneth Shure, Rockport, ME, www.twopondspress.com
Warren Lehrer / EarSay, Warren Lehrer, Sunnyside, NY, https://warrenlehrer.com
Manhattan Fine Press Book Fair Collector’s Prize
First Place:
A Bonsai Shaped Mind & Postures of the Heart by Richard Wagener, Mixolydian Editions & David Pascoe, Nawakum Press collaboration. Petaluma, CA. 2023
Honorable Mentions:
Radical Tenderness Manifesto by Nancy Loeber. New York, NY: Nancy Loeber, 2023.
Eidolon by Richard Zauft. Sudbury, MA: Richard Zauft Editions, 2024.
Thank you to our judges:
Deidre Lawrence, previously of the Brooklyn Museum
Russell Maret, Book artist and Typographer
Charlotte Priddle of New York University
Manhattan Fine Press Book Fair Collector’s Prize
First Place:
Colored Objects by Russell Maret. New York, NY: Russell Maret, 2023.
Honorable Mentions:
A Long Hill Homeward by Leonard Seastone. Tannersville, NY: TideLine Press, 2022.
1984 by George Orwell. Kent, UK: St. James Park Press, 2023.
Thank you to our judges:
Jared Ash, Florence and Herbert Irving Librarian for Collection Development, The Watson Library, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Maria Fredericks, Head Conservator, The Morgan Library & Museum
Corina Reynolds, Executive Director, Center for Book Arts
Manhattan Fine Press Book Fair Collector’s Prize
First Place:
Eat Flowers by Cig Harvey. Rockport, ME: Two Ponds Press, 2021.
Honorable Mentions:
For This Brief Time with text by Ingeborg Bachmann and imagery by Richard Zauft. Sudbury, MA: Richard Zauft Editions, 2022.
Conchyliorum: On Investigating Shells and Collecting with text by Edgar Allen Poe and imagery by Sarah Horowitz. Leavenworth, WA: Wiesedruck Press, 2022.
Manhattan Fine Press Book Fair Collector’s Prize
First Place:
Bokeh: A Little Book of Flowers by Gaylord Schanilec. St Paul: Midnight Paper Sales, 2020.
Honorable Mentions:
A Golden Thread: The Minotaur – A Contemporary Illumination by Mindy Belloff. New York: Intima Press, 2018.
The Art of Wave Riding by Ron Drummond. Oakland, CA: The Prototype Press, 2020.