Serena Smith

Serena Smith. Serena Smith, 8a The Oval, Oadby, Leicester LE2 5JB, UK. Tel: +447986839363. Website:

Serena Smith. Heteroglossia. 2023. 43 pages. 570 x 470 mm. Times New Roman on Simili Japon 225 gsm, nine hand-coloured stone lithographs by Smith. Printed with direct transfer lithography press and hand offset lithography press (Hunter Penrose ‘Imperial’). Edition of 7 + 3 APs. Case bound by Smith in hand-washed cotton book cloth with letterpress text. POA. Alongside quotations from technical printing handbooks, this lithographic glossary contains a miscellany of information from other fields of knowledge.  Its material aesthetics are inspired by the 19th century anatomical volumes of surgeon-anatomists Robert Carswell and Joseph Maclise, and its written content makes subtle allusion to the lives and bodies embedded in stone lithography’s materials, process, and printed ephemera. Online images available at

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