Richard Zauft Editions

Richard Zauft Editions. Richard Zauft. 58 Pantry Rd., Sudbury, Massachusetts 01776, USA. Tel: +19785051613. Website:

Ingeborg Bachmann and Peter Filkins (trans.). For this Brief Time. 2022. 36 pages. 304.8 x 206.3 mm. Adrianna and Acumen Variable Concept on Kozo, with six ink-jet printed photographs by Richard Zauft. Printed on a Vandercook SP15. 20 copies bound by Daniel Kelm (recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Guild of Bookworkers) with acid-etched brown Hanji papers over boards with a side-sewn binding design with folded fore-edge pages allowing additional texts to be inserted between the translucent Kozo paper pages, in a case constructed by Richard Zauft from Stone Leaf™ slate, price: $2100. Peter Filkins (recipient of the Berlin Prize and Outstanding Translation Award) provided twelve translations and an essay about Bachmann titled “Time’s Shadow.” Ingeborg Bachmann (1926 – 1973) is considered one of the most important German-language writers of the mid-twentieth century and one of the most celebrated in post-war Germany.