The Florin Press

The Florin Press. Graham Williams, Vent House, Stalisfield Road, Charing, Kent, UK. Tel: +44(0)1233 712 774. Email: [email protected]. Website:

Graham Williams. A Collection of Printing from Woodblocks. The Florin Press. 2021. 12pp Notes plus various quantities of leaves. Ca.197 x 210 mm. Joanna (Monotype) on various hand-made, mould-made and machine-made papers, with 28 wood engravings printed from the wood by Thomas Bewick, Mathew Urlwin Sears, Graham Williams, Peter Forster, Simon Brett, John O’Connor, Monica Poole and anon. Printed on Albion and Columbian hand presses. Main edition of 60 copies: 25 copies with paperbound Notes, 61 leaves, in a drop back box with green cloth, brown and fawn papers, printed paper label on front, printed limitation label inside, price £865; 35 with Notes, 35 leaves, in box as above, price £485; Variant edition of 15 copies: 5 with Notes, 96 leaves in a drop back box with green cloth, marbled paper, morocco spine label, printed paper label on front, printed limitation label inside, OOP; 10 with Notes, 78 leaves, in box as above, price £1,355.