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Letter to the Editor | Rigby Graham
Serious outbreaks of illustrated poetry | Dennis Hall
Prospero Poets | Trevor Weston, Simon Rae, Dennis Hall
Working with Hans van Eijk’s ‘In de Bonnefant’ | Rigby Graham
James Dodds & The Jardine Press | Dennis Hall
Pochoir: The Art of Coloring with Stencils | Adela Spindler Roatcap
American Book Design in the Post-War Years | Carol Grossman
Still Selling the Muffins | Sebastian Carter
Clare Leighton (1989-1989): Anglo-American Artist | Carol Grossman


In Praise of Patterned Paper | reviewed by Rigby Graham
Gifts of the Leaves | reviewed by Virginia Bartow
Chesil Beach | reviewed by Michael Harrison
The Monotype Recorder: One Hundred Years of Type Making, 1897-1997 | reviewed by Tom Colverson
Galloway Landscapes | reviewed by Simon McMinn
Some who do…and One who doesn’t | reviewed by Howard Phipps
The Fell Imperial Quarto Book of Common Prayer | reviewed by John Dreyfus
To Sicily with Edward Bawden | reviewed by Alan Powers
Geoffrey Wales | reviewed by Frank Martin
Printing Digital Type on the Hand-Operated Flatbed Cylinder Press | reviewed by Wilber H. Schilling
The Affectionate Shepheard | reviewed by Jeremy Greenwood
June & Jupy | reviewed by Dennis Hall
First Friends | reviewed by Alan Freer
Printing on the Iron Handpress | reviewed by David Esslemont

Lewis Mayhew Allen: An Apreciation | Richard-Gabriel Rummonds

Recent & Forthcoming Books: Canada & USA
ITC Bodoni
Jo Spaul